The Louis Kalff Institute is a Cultural Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI). A donation to our foundation will give you tax advantages. More information can be found on the website of the Dutch Tax Administration (in Dutch).

The foundation’s objective is to preserve the archives of important Dutch product designers and present them to a wide audience. The foundation is a non-profit organisation. The board consists of three people whose positions are unremunerated:

Board members
Timo de Rijk, chairman
Robert van Rixtel, secretary
Tet Reuver, treasurer
Elke den Ouden, board member
Hans Robertus, board member

Louis Kalff Instituut ANBI 2023

Louis Kalff Instituut ANBI 2022

Louis Kalff Instituut ANBI 2021

Louis kalff Instituut ANBI 2020

Louis Kalff Instituut beleidsplan 2020

Louis Kalff Instituut activiteiten 2019-2020

Louis Kalff Instituut jaarrapport 2019

Louis Kalff Instituut tax identification number: 8519.27.403